I can't think of a more random and hilarious combination! Finding this little creature from Wingedfox Creations just made my day, made me laugh, and improved my seratonin levels with just one dose, all with no nasty side effects (except, of course, to my wallet if I can't resist him!) I recommend trying Etsy yourself. It may change your life, especially if you start at Wingedfox Creations! Don't hesitate, ask your doctor about Etsy today!
Note: Women who are pregnant or nursing should hide their credit card before trying Etsy. Etsy is not for everyone, people who like run of the mill, boring, mass produced items should not take Etsy. The active ingredient in Etsy is also available in other forms including, but not limited to: Folksy, DaWanda, Art Fire, Deviant Art, Society 6, and Big Cartel, only you can decide which is right for you.