Another shop I've been meaning to write about, is Happycloud Thunderhead. Roland particularly loves their fingermonsters, who he thinks would be great pals for him, and I am partial to the bigger, hug-able guys. There are also puppets and paintings for your perusal and purchase (alliteration is fun!) BUT most importantly, Happycloud Thunderhead also sells a very informative, well researched, erudite dissertation on monsters (called a 'zine) that can be yours for a mere $4.00! Now, whether or not you ever read all the way through the enormous tome, you know it is important that we, as monster lovers, support this kind of research and scholarship. So, go to Happycloud Thunderhead now, and let them know you appreciate the important work they have done here!
I LOVE Happycloud Thunderhead's monsters! I won some of the finger puppets awhile back when he did a giveaway. He does great work!