We have a Triple Threat here today folks! Two Paintings and a Monster! From two different artists! A painting of a Monster that inspired a Monster! A giant collaborative art fest!
Here's how it went down: According to my sources, Fluffy Flowers was so inspired by Mariadiana Designs' paintings of Blue, that she went into her secret (Gnome Making) Headquarters and created a Blue of her very own! Our ionlylikemonsters Wiki(monster)Leaks got a hold of the news, and we felt it was our obligation to report it to the people!
Obviously, once we heard, there was no way we could keep this to ourselves. Do you know what this kind of artistic cross-pollination means?! This kind of art increases exponentially! We could have monsters and paintings everywhere! It could happen anywhere! Life could be a Utopia! You never know where it could end! Blue himself might be the first monster to visit a free Democratic Middle East! No, really, It could happen! In fact, I'm going on over to Fluffy Flowers and Mariadiana Designs now, to thank them for this fantastic contribution to world peace! I can see it all now, "Blue: The monster heard 'round the world!"
Fantastic! I have to say - I love your commentary - your posts are just a delight to read!