Since I haven't rambled on about my obsession with the color orange for a while, I thought it might be time to give you another dose from "House Of Orange and Monsters" my other (non-existent) blog! I have several, including "ireallylikebatsalot.com" and "WhyCan'tIWriteOffDogFoodOnMyTaxes.com" BUT, I digress! Back to Eugene Orange Monster from Monstrosity! As I've mentioned before, I believe everyone should add a touch of orange into their home somewhere, preferably in monster form! So I'd say Eugene here fits the bill quite perfectly! In case you missed any, let me point out all the wonderful things about him: He is fabulous, orange, and a monster, and let's be honest, we both know there is a spot in your home that needs his little orange self there right now!
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