Saturday, April 30, 2011

Robot Friend Week!

Here we have a plethora of robot pals from Tyson Bodnarchuk! Good luck buying just one! How would you even choose! Now, I've seen all those faux beds in the bedding stores and they always have millions of pillows on them for some reason. Look how much more fun your bed would look with all these guys instead! I know I'm sold! Wow! With these guys, maybe I will be in Better Homes and Monsters someday!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Robot Friend Week!

So, obviously my cephalopod army failed at it's mission to lower gas prices (I blame insufficient training) but perhaps a robot army might have more luck? This giant robot from Mokuyobi Threads said he's willing to take up the cause! If only I could find some more somewhere...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Robot Friend Week!

While I was looking through Roland's robot wish list, I found these stupendously great prints and cards, which I think would look wonderful framed and hung together, if you (unlike me) have any unused wall space! The sad robot is from Interrupt Design , Rollerskating robot is from Emily Valenza, Vote For Commputism is from Crumpet Time Comics, and the robot cards are from Rainy Day Story!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Robot Friend Week!

When people talk about the robots taking over and ruling the world, I like to think they look like these robots from Needlings! I don't know about you, but I'd be happy to have these guys as my new robot overlords!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Robot Friend Week!

Broken-hearted robot comes to us from LittleBrownByrd Creations. I don't know why he is so sad, but I just know that if he came to my house to live, we could cheer him up ASAP!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Robot Friend Week!

Roland has been on a robot "kick" recently, so I thought I would share some of his latest finds! This amazing little guy is from Needed Wanted (Loved) and is made from one of Rebecca Danger's wonderful patterns, which is the perfect solution if, like me, you love her patterns but can't knit to save your life! Go check out the rest of the cuties at Needed Wanted (Loved) and be sure to tune in tomorrow for more good-looking robot pals!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Kudu-lah Creatures!

Check out these fantastic photographs of real sea monsters attacking clipper ships! I am amazed that they captured these images, I didn't know they had cameras back then! Find out all the details at Kudu-lah where they also have more recent pictures of subway monsters for you to enjoy!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bandit Creatures

Bandit Rabbit and Bandit Fox are from Adatine and they are here to steal your heart, or maybe your fish! Either way, watch out, they look pretty sneaky to me!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Contemori Bottega Creativa Creature!

Contemori Bottega Creativa has a lot of super cool creatures, but this guy is my favorite! I also love the shop's description of him (which you will have to go see for yourself this time!) it's like a poem! He is from Italy which means he will be much more stylish than my other monsters and perhaps ride around town on a scooter! (I don't know, I think my Italian stereotypes might be out of date!) I haven't been there in a LONG while but that's how I remember it! I definitely felt like the country mouse visiting the city mouse! Well, hopefully this guy can give me some fashion tips, if I ever get to go back!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fing Creatures!

I have needle felting mania! Ever since I started stabbing that needle into wool, I have been obsessed! I can't stop! I'm afraid I'm going to get carpal-tunnel syndrome or something! It's madness! So, in an effort to pull myself away, I decided to look at some experts' work! These mesmerizing creatures are from Fing, and I am studying them in awe! The colors and shading are beautiful, but what I really want to know is at what point in the process do they come alive and start running around causing mischief?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Octopus Monster and Friends!

You knew I couldn't go for too long without posting a cephalopod! Isn't he majestic?! This octopal comes from one of my all-time favorite shops, My Zoetrope. My Zoetrope has supplied me with many magical prints in the past, and now an octoplush! Oh, I mean, I had to purchase him because I wanted to make sure he was a quality product for you, and now having tested him out, I can wholeheartedly recommend him! I just wouldn't have felt like a responsible blogger otherwise! Really, I don't even like octopuses...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mamus Monsters!

These wonderful creatures are from Mamus! If you go to the site it lists the shops where they are available, OR you can get in on THE BEST IDEA EVER, at Indiana, it's over! Here's how it works, you donate 10$ or more, to help Mamus and oh, come on! escape Indiana, and they make a piece of original art, just for you! How great is that? Pretty Damn Great, I'd say! Everybody wins! (well, everybody except Indiana, I guess!)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mr Brain!

Mr Brain is from Sausage Dog, and this is another one of those times where I just have to quote the shop description. I'm sorry, I know you think I'm being lazy, but really, there is no better description possible than:

"Imagine if you could unzip your head, and take your brain out......only to descover it had legs and eyes of its own!"

You know I'm right...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Roland's Family Reunion, the Finale!

Last but not least, Roland's Granmonster Gladys, arrived from Sunny Plum! She was a great surprise for all the family! Right now all the little Roland brothers are gathered around her, listening to her tell stories of the old days! They are mesmerized, actually we all are! Aren't you?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Roland's Family Reunion Continues!

Jitterbug here, is the most flamboyant of the brothers! As you can see, he was a huge fan of the "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" video by his favorite band, Wham! (The rest of the Rolands are much more into punk!) Jitterbug was bothering the good folks over at Alyshells Craft Shack so we offered to take him off their hands, and try to help him with his horrible taste in music! Wish us luck, we will keep you posted!
(Update: It is no use, he still loves Wham!)

Monster Friends! See them all in the older posts!